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Year 2

Class Teacher: Miss Moxey

Term Three

Our value this term is Trust

Term 3: Overview of Learning

Our enquiry is: What difference can a person make?

This term we are going to have lots of fun investigating the question ‘What difference can a person make?’  We will be investigating famous people and how they have made a difference to our lives. We will have a deep focus on Isambard Kingdom Brunel and the differences he made to Bristol. We will then use our geographical skills to look more in depth at Bristol and what makes it a City.


In Term 3, we will be looking at shapes and their edges and vertices. We will then develop our knowledge of adding and subtracting. Towards the end of the term, we will be able to recognise coins and notes, as well as adding and subtracting money.

English Writing

In English, our focus text will be 'Home for Grace' by Kathryn A White. The children will continue to add conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to improve and extend their writing. We will then use conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to write a postcard and diary entry from Grace's point of view.


In R.E we discuss what it means to belong, through discussions about groups, clubs, families and religions and how these are important in our everyday lives.


Our science topic for these next two terms will focus on 'what can a person create?' looking in depth at a range of materials. 


This term’s unit is ‘Dreams and Goals'. In this unit we will discuss aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.


Term Two

Our value this term is Respect 

Term 2 Overview of Learning

Our enquiry is: What helps living things grow and thrive?

This term we are going to have lots of fun investigating the question ‘What helps living things grow and thrive?’  First we will look at what we need to stay healthy. We will investigate the effect exercise has on our body, and we will look at the importance of good hygiene. We will also learn about food groups. We will then have the opportunity to grow some plants to help us to investigate what living things need to survive. Later in the term, we will consider what a habitat is. This will involve looking at a range of habitats including deserts and polar regions.


In Term 2, we will start with adding numbers to ten to ensure knowledge of number bonds within ten. We will practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s before moving on to counting in 3s. We will use the commutative law and related facts to add and subtract, and we will focus on the number bonds of 10, 20 and 100. Later in the term we will practise finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number before moving on to 10 more and 10 less. Towards the end of the term, we will learn to tell the time and analyse statistics. 

English Writing

In English, children will look at the features of non-fiction texts and then write their own bug fact file using these non-fiction features such as subheadings, headings and pictures. The children will continue to add conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to improve and extend their writing. We will then use conjunctions and expanded noun phrases to write a story for entertainment based on the text The secret sky garden. 


In R.E we discuss what it means to belong, through discussions about groups, clubs, families and religions and how these are important in our everyday lives.


Our science topic for these next two terms will be ‘Animals, including humans’ and ‘ living things and their habitats’. We will be answering our learning enquiry questions through a range of investigations, where we will also learn how to observe closely, classify information and gather and record data.


This term’s unit is ‘Celebrating Differences’. First we will consider similarities, assumptions and stereotypes that people may face. We will then discuss the importance of being different and celebrate it. Children will understand what is right and wrong and know how to look after themselves.


Term One

Our value this term is Thankfulness 

Term 1 Overview of Learning

Our enquiry is: What helps living things grow and thrive?

This term we are going to have lots of fun investigating the question ‘What helps living things grow and thrive?’  First we will look at what we need to stay healthy. We will investigate the effect exercise has on our body, and we will look at the importance of good hygiene. We will also learn about food groups. We will then have the opportunity to grow some plants to help us to investigate what living things need to survive. Later in the term, we will consider what a habitat is. This will involve looking at a range of habitats including deserts and polar regions. 


In Term 1 we will start with place value learning. We will look at how many tens and ones a number has (i.e the number 28 has 2 tens and 8 ones). We will practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s before moving on to counting in 3s. We will use the commutative law and related facts to add and subtract, and we will focus on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Later in the term we will practise finding 1 more and 1 less than a given number before moving on to 10 more and 10 less. We will also have the chance to compare 2-digit numbers using mathematical language such as more than, less than and equal to. What a busy term!

English Writing

In English, we will then begin ‘Alfie’s star’, where children will learn how to write for entertainment. Children will understand how improve their simple sentence writing by including adjectives and expanded noun phrases. Children will have the opportunity to use their imaginations to create their own descriptive paragraphs inspired by the story.


In R.E we discuss what it means to belong, through discussions about groups, clubs, families and religions and how these are important in our everyday lives.


Our science topic for these next two terms will be ‘Animals, including humans’ and ‘ living things and their habitats’. We will be answering our learning enquiry questions through a range of investigations, where we will also learn how to observe closely, classify information and gather and record data.


P.E is on a Monday and Thursday. Children should bring their PE kits in a bag. PE kits should be black shorts, trousers or skorts, a white Berrow logo t-shirt or plain white t-shirt and black or white trainers.


This term’s unit is ‘Being me in my world’. First we will consider our hopes for the year, then we will consider how we can help ourselves and others to feel that we belong. We will consider how to ensure our classroom is a safe and fair place, and we will learn about working cooperatively. We will have the opportunity to discuss how our choices and behaviour affect others.