Year 4
Class Teacher: Mr Mackenzie
Term Three
Our value this term: Trust
This term our enquiry will be "How is the natural world unpredictable?'
Throughout this enquiry, we will build upon the children's prior knowledge and understanding of how the natural world is unique as well as its sources of power and how we as humans use it. In year 4, we will explore how nature and its power and can be both beneficial and a threat to human life. We will further explore how the natural world changes and continues to change over time.
Enquiry questions:
What is the land like around us?
What was it like for the Romans in Italy?
Why does the Earth sometimes shake?
What is the difference between a volcano and a mountain? (Pompeii)
What makes Somerset flood?
How can humans be more powerful than nature?
Where would I choose to live?
In English this term, we will reading the text 'Mrs Noah's pockets'. This narrative follows the biblical story of Noah's Ark with a fantastical twist and a focus on the effect natural disasters can have on the world. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text to understand character feelings and emotions and exploring new vocabulary. The children will use these skills to visualise, predict and sequence events to showcase their understanding. In writing, the children will be writing their own story from the perspective of one of the books characters.
In Maths this term, we will be looking at the 3,6 and 9 times tables and further deepening our understanding of number by exploring the relationships between the multiples of these numbers. Following this, we will be looking at the 7 times table. Throughout the term, we will continue to do regular timetable practice to prepare best we can for this summer's multiplication check.
As artists this term we will be painting and our inspiration will be the artist Katsushika Hokusai. The children will be able to identify and use both primary and secondary colours, and create differing textures and effects with the paint according to the task.
Our topic for Term three in PSHE is 'Dreams and goals'. This has a focus on overcoming disappointment and creating new and realistic goals that can be achieved in life as well as developing positive and resilient attitudes.
This term in RE will be studying different 'people of God' and will explore many well-known Bible stories. The children will make clear links between the story of Abraham and the concept of faith that this story teaches. Further to this, the children will make simple links between the People of God and how some Christians choose to live in their whole lives and in their church communities, as well as suggest answers about how far ideas of covenant, promises and following God might make a difference in the world today.
This term in PE, our unit of work is Cognitive Skills, with a physical focus on dynamic balances and ball coordination. The children will also be completing a unit of gymnastics led by our sports coaches.