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Year 5

Class Teacher: Mrs Utteridge

Supportive Teaching Team: Ms Tarran

Term three

Our term value: Trust

Learning enquiry: Why is the world unequal?

Term four

Our term value: Forgiveness

Learning enquiry: Why is the world unequal?

English: we will be doing daily reading and writing lessons based upon Freedom on the Menu. These lessons will explore literary techniques, grammar, comprehension skills and provide opportunities to create fiction and non-fiction pieces of work. The class will be reading The Terrible Thing That Happened To Barnaby Brocket as our class text. 

We are still using Accelerated Reader and the children can complete quizzes on their books in class. Mrs Utteridge has assigned each child a level to read. Each time a child has read a levelled book, they can read a book of choice next. This is to help maintain our focus on reading for pleasure. Please record your child’s reading in their reading diary.

Spelling: We have 3 weekly spelling sessions (spellings can be found in your child's spelling book and on EdShed). Your child should use EdShed to practise their spellings.

Handwriting: We have daily handwriting sessions. 

Maths: we have daily maths lessons after break which begin with a starter activity practising our oracy skills and mathematical understanding. We use a mastery approach within our mathematical journey. This term we are covering the following areas: 

  • Short multiplication and division
  • Area and scaling
  • Calculating with decimal fractions
  • Factors, multiples and primes

We will be doing daily fluency in maths to provide a chance to regularly practice our arithmetic skills.

We complete daily times table practice, focusing on different times table facts. Children are expected to practice their times tables using Times Table Rock Stars, a daily leader board is displayed in class.


Why is our world unequal?

We are learning about the space; the name of planets, movement through space and how this affects day and night on Earth. We will explore forces that act upon us through hands-on activities.

Please see our Knowledge Organiser for more detailed information about our enquiry. 

Interview challenge

This term Year 5 will be taking part in an interview challenge. We will learn about our future job, prepare a CV and then have a job interview for our future job. James Wilmott, Director of Careers at TPLT will be coming in to conduct the interviews. Each child who takes part will receive a certificate and a personalised poster.

Home learning

For home learning, children should be doing the following every week: 

  • Reading as often as possible - ideally 5 times a week
  • Practising times tables on TT rockstars (go into jamming and select the times table to practise)
  • Spelling shed - complete the assignment (specific words) set each week by Mrs Utteridge

TT Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Children have logins for the websites above in their reading records. Please let Mrs Utteridge know if the children need another copy of their log in details. 

Follow our Twitter feed: @RUtteridge

Term five

Our term value: Courage

Learning enquiry: Why is it important to look after our world?

Term six

Our term value: Friendship

Term learning enquiry: Why is it important to look after our world?

Reading: Daily whole class guided reading lessons will take place throughout the week. We are reading Boy in the Tower. The class will explore the text and use comprehension skills to answer questions - key skills will include vocabulary, explaining, retrieval, choice and interpretation.

We are using the Accelerated Reader programme and the children complete quizzes on the books they read during DEAR time. Mrs Utteridge has assigned each child a level to read. Each time a child has read a levelled book, they can read a book of choice. This is to help maintain our focus on reading for pleasure. 

Writing: Daily whole class writing lessons take place throughout the week. To start term 5, the class will be exploring a poem from the Lost Words book and build up to writing their own poem.  The class will then move onto The Great Kapok Tree picture book to enforce the message of deforestation and the learning enquiry. The children will use this anchor text to create a newspaper report informing the audience on the issues of deforestation. In term 6, the children will use their learning to complete an information booklet about rainforests. The class will finish their time in year 5 by creating a portal story and publishing it to take home.

Spelling: We have 3 weekly spelling sessions (spellings can be found in your child's spelling book and on EdShed). Your child is expected to use EdShed to practise their spellings, a daily leader board is displayed in class.

Handwriting: We have daily handwriting sessions.

Maths: we have daily maths lessons after break which begin with a starter activity practising our oracy skills and mathematical understanding. We use a mastery approach within our mathematical journey. This term we are covering the following areas: 

  • Factors, multiples and primes
  • Fractions
  • Converting units
  • Angels

We will be doing daily fluency in maths to provide a chance to regularly practice our arithmetic skills.

We complete daily times table practice, focusing on different times table facts. Children are expected to practice their times tables using Times Table Rock Stars, a daily leader board is displayed in class.


Why is it important to look after our world?

We are learning about the issues facing the world around us. We will do this by answering some mini-enquiries.

  • How can we be more sustainable?
  • Why do we need to be sustainable?
  • Why are the rainforests important?
  • If we damage the world, what is the impact?
  • How were the Mayans sustainable? (term 6)

In Geography, we will be exploring the location of different biomes, investigating rainforests in detail. The class will discover sustainability and learn about fair trade. 

During the Science lessons, the class will explore life cycles and classifying animals.

Please see our Knowledge Organiser for more detailed information about our enquiry. 

PSHE: this term Year 5, we will be exploring relationships.

Art: Year 5 will be learning about the French artist, Henri Rousseau, and recreating one of his famous paintings - Tiger in a Tropical Storm.

Home learning

For home learning, children should be doing the following every week: 

  • Reading as often as possible - ideally 5 times a week
  • Practising times tables on TT rockstars (go into jamming and select the times table to practise)
  • Spelling shed - complete the assignment (specific words) set each week by Mrs Utteridge

TT Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Children have logins for the websites above in their reading records. Please let Mrs Utteridge know if the children need another copy of their log-in details. 

Follow our Twitter feed: @RUtteridge

Term one

Our term value: thankfulness

Learning enquiry: why do people invade and settle?

Writing: Daily whole class writing lessons take place throughout the week. The children will start Year 5 by exploring the Sound Collector poem by Roger McGough. The class will then write to entertain by creating a report about a dragon and writing a character description about a character from Beowolf.

Maths: we have daily maths lessons after break which begin with a starter activity practising our oracy skills and mathematical understanding. We use a mastery approach within our mathematical journey. This term we are covering the following areas: 

  • Decimal fractions
  • Money

We will be doing daily fluency in maths to provide a chance to regularly practice our arithmetic skills. We will also start to use Mastery for Number.

We complete daily times table practice, focusing on different times table facts. Children are expected to practice their times tables using Times Table Rock Stars, a daily leader board is displayed in class.


Why do people invade and settle?

Our learning enquiry has a history and geography thread running throughout. The children will revisit their previous learning of place and what has come before us. The class will have opportunities to practice existing skills and learn new geography field work skills throughout the year. 

We are learning about why civilisations have invaded and settled in different countries. We will do this by answering some mini-enquiries.

  • Who stood before us?
  • What is invasion?
  • Why do people invade?
  • What did the Vikings travel for?
  • What did the Vikings trade?
  • How did the invasions change Britain?
  • Is it right to invade?

During the Science lessons, the class will explore materials and states. We will have practical hands-on lessons to build our curiosities and understanding. 

PSHE: This term Year 5 will be being me in our world. The PSHE lessons are designed to involve discussion and collaborative learning. 

Art and DT: Year 5 will be exploring drawing from perspective and the techniques involved. 

Home learning

For home learning, children should be doing the following every week: 

  • Reading as often as possible - ideally 5 times a week
  • Practising times tables on TT rockstars (go into jamming and select the times table to practise)
  • Spelling shed - complete the assignment (specific words) set each week by Mrs Utteridge

TT Rockstars:

Spelling Shed:

Children have logins for the websites above in their reading records. Please let Mrs Utteridge know if the children need another copy of their log-in details. 

Follow our Twitter feed: @RUtteridge