Year 3
Class Teacher: Mr Purchase
Supportive Teaching Team: Miss Moreton
Term Two
Our value this term: Respect
This term our enquiry will be "How has electricity improved life?'
In English this term, we will be reading our anchor text ‘Ice Palace' by Robert Swindelle. We will continue to develop our reading skills by retrieving information, inferring the text and exploring new vocabulary such as convoy, whirring, and judder. In writing, we will be working towards writing our own information text about electricity and light; linking to our enquiry question.
In Maths, in term two, children will develop their understanding and confidence with numbers up to 1000. Throughout the term, children will be practising their timetables focusing on 2's and 5's to ensure confidence and fluency.
As scientists this term, we will be looking at Electricity. We will build up our learning to answer our question: ‘How has electricity improved our lives?’. This involves learning Light and dark and explain what these are and discussing magnets and their relationship in electricity.
As artists this term, we will be exploring warm and cool colours. We will also compare and analyse pop art by influential artists such as Andy Warhol.
In term two, our topic is 'Celebrating Difference'. This focusses on acceptance of others, problem-solving, bullying and how every person is different. We will also be looking into our 'No outsiders' area in class worships and how this links to our PSHE topic of differences.
This term in PE, year 3 will be looking to develop their skills in jumping and landing and exploring a wide range of these and also static balances. In year 3, we will also have swimming lessons. Swimming is a fun activity, but it is also very important for safety and our health.